More fishy tales
March 21st was the day. Here in Zenica, the locals all converged to the river bank, as they traditionally do and put up tents and cooked yaya (eggs) and drank pivo (beer) and sang songs. They were officially heralding the onset of spring. The joy was palpable. It was altogether a different matter that it was snowing and raining and miserably cold. The sun did not grace the occasion. But then that's what I love about the spirit of the people here..their never say die attitude.
In Karnataka, the keepers of our culture objected to a statue of Charlie Chaplin being erected for a film set. They found it toooo Christian...They wanted a statue of Swami Vivekananda. Never mind if it did not suit the film script. And to boot the Karnataka Chief Minister said that the public had a right to voice their opinion... !! God we have verily lost our sense of humour. Both Chaplin and the Swami may be cringing up there somewhere.
Eeeeks!!! I am a I learnt this morning...and to think I actually woke up feeling peppy and energetic. The TOI report says that a new study has found that you peak at 22 and start aging at 27!! It is the result of a 7 year study. And I thought I was pretty sharp for a 50+. But then come to think of it why dint I find myself peaking at 22?
I better warn my son who is 22. He is at his peak and like me he does not know!! Because like any indulgent mother I still keep saying "he is still young". But now its not so! The therapies designed to prevent or even reverse age-related conditions may need to start earlier, long before people become pensioners, the researchers said. He better start early.
Women's Day 2008, I had a wonderful time travelling to Venice, Nice, Monaco, Monte Carlo and Verona, with a bus load of Bosnian women and two Indian women. It was fun and crazy. The long hours of sitting did take its toll on the bum but the spirit was joyous. I guess women all over the world are the same...the Bosnian women sang, ate and cackled right through the journey.
This March 8th I had a quieter ride with spouse. We went to a small town here called Fonica. Small but beautiful in the typical east European way. March 8th in Zenica is very gay. You see the men purposefully walking with flowers in hand. I guess its an indication that there is a woman in their lives. Small kiosks selling fresh flowers and stuffed heart pillows spring overnight and the pedestrian street looks charming.
I hope the moral police in India had no problems about people celebrating Women's Day back home. After all it is just one day in 365 days. The remaining days, it is probably about men in most families.
Tomorrow is my Happy Birthday. I am going to be all of 51. The earliest memories of my happy birthday are that of being dressed in a nice frock (stitched by mom), carrying a box of sweets to school.
Arguments for fishes (from one piscean to another)
We have a fish tank again. Our very first fish many years ago, was a blue fighter fish in a glass bowl. It was christened Teddy for some reason. I spent many lonely hours talking to Teddy but I think Teddy got bored to death. Many other fishes followed ...but none of them survived for some reason or the other. One lot died because of my ignorance...I generously sprayed a mosquito repellent around the house only to later read on the can, a caveat: "Do not spray near fishes" !!!