Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring has sprung

March 21st was the day. Here in Zenica, the locals all converged to the river bank, as they traditionally do and put up tents and cooked yaya (eggs) and drank pivo (beer) and sang songs. They were officially heralding the onset of spring. The joy was palpable. It was altogether a different matter that it was snowing and raining and miserably cold. The sun did not grace the occasion. But then that's what I love about the spirit of the people here..their never say die attitude.
And then there was the inauguration of the sports arena ..their very first, built despite many obstacles...the war being one of them.....the whole town was there and the sports men were cheered...the contingent of the disabled men in their wheelchairs evoked the loudest cheer...many of them were men who had lost their limbs in the war. The spring is truly here, more on the inside than the outside.


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