Monday, November 23, 2009

WB&G (Wanted Brides and Grooms)

Sunday afternoons are for browsing through the newspapers and the one section that is the least morbid and also affords me some amusement is the matrimonial one.

In part it is like a crossword/puzzle need to be savvy to decipher the ads!!

For example savor this…..

sm4 b’ful e’lyed girl:

I mulled over the sm4 and realized it is ‘suitable match for beautiful employed..’……


Professionally qualified match!!!!

NRBrah and NRNBrah

non- resident Brahmin… …non- resident non Brahmin!!


I am still struggling with that one…

3LPA ….

3 lakhs per annum!!

There are some Ads which ask for responses only from ’Status Family only’…whatever that means. Some other phrases which occur consistently are “caste no bar”…”sub caste no bar”….

Read one wanting a groom…the last line said ‘willing to settle in Australia’…I guess this is in today’s context of violence there…this indicates desperation!!……The Australian authorities need to take notice…

Maybe we need a matrimonial lexicon….Somebody enterprising please note

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Leave Enid alone!

Why do adults have to look at everything from an adult point of view?

Ask the kids how they enjoyed Enid Blyton at the appropriate age... I am sure they loved her books.

But now the media is splattered with news as to how she was a cruel cold woman and a lousy mother....that may be so...but that does not take away anything from the magic that her books created....And does everything have to be intellectual? Can we not read something because it catches our imagination? Please adults ...don't lessen the magic...God know in these days of stress and pressure the kids do need their fantasies.

Let her be...Let the kids be..