Monday, March 29, 2010


My kids always start their conversation with 'Hi ma, what's happening'.....and I feel most guilty when I say 'Nothing'...And then when I ask them the same, their answer invariably is 'Nothing Much'....I wonder what it is that we keep waiting for to happen that will count as something.
Now let me see.......this morning I woke up at 5, went for yoga at 6, accompanied spouse on his walk at 7, came back and made breakfast, ate breakfast with spouse at 8, saw him off after duly reminding him to take his mobile, his wallet, his medicines.....(I forgot to ask him to take his papers and watch and he didn't!!! Men!!), spoke to family and friends over the phone, then watered and cooed to the plants (I don't think they appreciate me, for they are wilting)...then made lunch, ate it in splendid isolation, watched TV (only I don't recall what I saw), read, ate lunch, snoozed, blogging and then will go for a walk...

Lots happening actually...and I really need to thank the Lord that there is no upset in this it only means ALL IZ WELL!!
I think next time the kids call I will give them all these details instead of saying 'Nothing'.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Well from retirement to working life! Life in the reverse....It was a wonderful 6 months sabbatical (for spouse) and vicariously for me....Now for the last two days he leaves home at 8.30 and is back late...I am suddenly finding myself at a loose end! Its time for me to get busy now...should I? Must I? I don't know.. frankly, sometimes I am loathe to change things the way they are...I have grown to like being retired!