Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Walk through Life

Walking in the park is like getting a view of life from the ring side, with an insight into people.
I love my morning walk. And from the number of people around it does appear that Mumbai has become health conscious.
There is this group of middle aged men, numbering ten, who walk not too briskly, guffawing every two seconds, showing a joie de vivre which can be just what you want on some days and can be a tad irritating on others. There are others who do their solo turn with their eyes glued to the ground, loathe to be social.
I love ogling at those who do the unusual, like walking backwards…there are others who walk briskly with their hands held high. I don’t know what the logic is but if it works for them why not. It’s a treat also to see the paunchy ones do the squats with vigor, with the paunch itself defying any attempts at discipline.
And then you have the young ones, with satchels on their shoulders, walking hand in hand…I wonder about the parents who probably think they are all attention at a class at the crack of dawn……little do they know!!!
And what about the odour? Some stink so much that you have to hold your breath as they pass (I guess they are sweating it out!!).....there are others who use that dash of perfume which makes you want to inhale deeply as they pass. Not to mention the varied attire….I especially love walking behind the one in the 9-yards gear, and the women in saris and keds, in salwar kameezes, and various tracks etc….not to mention some men in their office wear right down to the buttoned cuffs and trousers.
I am grateful for this patch of green in this suffocating city called Mumbai. A walk there makes my day.


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