Sunday, July 19, 2009

"Sun" Times

This blog is for tams only...When in Mumbai my TV viewing is retricted to Sun TV. Not because of my penchant for the daily soaps on the channel, rather because I am providing viewing company either to the parent or inlaw. So I am back with the Mannikams and Selvams not forgetting the kasturis and Godhes and Laxmis. And funnily I can pick up the thread of the story almost as if I never went away....

Sun TV makes for better viewing than the myriad Hindi soap series. I can sense a few raised eyebrows....For one it is more real...let me explain ... in which Hindi soap will the main protagonist agree to wear a veshti that has seen better days ...or which heroine will agree to wrap her head in a towel as the southies are wont to do when they have shampooed their hair...The women also sport the no-nonsense bindis unlike their Hindi counterparts...and the heavy jewellery is conspicuously absent. So its like peeking into your neighbours house....

Another reason why I like Tamil soaps is because the title song which is so much more interesting than the episode itself goes on for almost 5 mins which restricts the episode time...(thank god for small mercies!)......The ad breaks of course I so enjoy..they hog almost 15 mins of the viewing time.....I love some of them the one about sun DTH. Veetak Veet Sun Dhun dhana dhan......I must of course mention the guy who reels out the names of the sponsors...i mean he can give 'breathless shankar ' a run for his money......

In all, the episodes themselves are for about 10 mins out of the total 30 mins ...out of which someone or the other is crying for about 5 mins for some reason or the other...(it does not matter..)....

And then of course I love the dialogues...where else can you hear stuff like....nee BA le porkhi, ana porkhithanatle PHd......and ....onne naan ombodu masama shomundu peth, valath val .....enke drohu pannirya....boy!

But I now feel cheated...recently when I was reading the credits I read 'Concept and Produced by Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor'........probably the next time I come, the veshtis will have gone and the bindis will have made their appearance.....Sad!


At July 24, 2009 , Anonymous Sam said...

Its raining Tamil posts!! Even I've written about Tams... We rock, wot say???

At July 25, 2009 , Blogger Sandy said...

yup, read urs too!


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